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Thursday, April 05, 2007


BARBER-2 little bits from this entry. one, that during Henry VIII,it was decreed that barbers should be restricted to do bloodletting and drawing teeth(extractions?), no more extra stuff.
and it explains the barber 'pole'. the poles were to have a pole with a basin at the bottom, which symbolizes the bloodletting bowl. the red stripe symbolizing the bandaging around the arm in bleeding.

BARD-welsh, ancient celtic poets.

BARHAM, Richard Harris aka Thomas Ingoldsby 1788-1845 celebrated humorist. i am only including him cause his entry was nice and he has been lost to history. i think.
due to an arm injury, he became studious and went into the church. he had always been a man of fun, so the church was a surprise. he wrote several humourous tails and had several books. and as it says in entry-intolerant of all that was mean, base, and false.
i find him worthy.

BARNAVE, Antoine Pierre Joseph Marie-b 1761-1793 great orator and lawyer. early participant in the 1st french revolution. he proposed that the french have 2 chamers of parliament. i had been just reading an oration by Beaconsfield, who had brought up the fact that 2 houses are needed. while escorting the royals to thier end at the guillitine, he developed sympathy for them and he eventually was executed by same in 1793.

i have been reading the definative diary of anne frank in the lower library(bathroom) and just finished it. i really feel some of her thought related to me. and it is such a good thing her diary survived if she didn't. and it helped a little at this time of grief.
damned shame.
shit happens and then you die.

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