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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


town coat of arms has appeared with more frequency in the B section.

BATHS-we have the history of baths. in ancient time they were to be anjoyed and for exercize(swimming). warm baths were considered effeminate, but in roman times, they were preferred. Roman baths had swimming, warm baths, hot air baths, and vapour baths(sauna!). this entry had illustrations! floor plans. 7+ pages on baths.

BATTAS-northern Sumatra tribe-cannibals, although main food was rice. language much discusses because a dutchman lived 8 years among them and wrote a lexicon of the language. they did have an alphabet.

BATTERY-tactical unit of artillary or beating/assault.

BATTLE-the reverand made 2 pencil notations. curious.

BAUDELAIRE, Charles- master of the french satanic school of poetry 1821-1867. they took perverse delight in loathsome subjects.

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