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Thursday, March 29, 2007


BALES, peter-b1547-d1610 famous caligrapher. could do very very tiny writing. 1 of the first inventors of shorthand. yes, shorthand is that old! does anybody bother with shorthand anymore? is it like esperanto?

BALFE, Michael william-b1808-1870 singer, so-so composer. pop of the 1800's. quote from the EB. 'to speak of Balfe as an artist is either to misuse the word or permit the meaning to depend on temporary success, no matter how aquired.' the britney spears of the 1800's! dang, the EB can be snarky!

BALLOT 3+ pages. didn't read.

BALSAM-term for oleo-resin. doesn't mention it as a tree.

BALUCHISTAN-on arabian sea below afganistan. 4+ pages. what country is it now?

BALZAC, C Honore' DE-same amount as jane austen and nitpics at his writing as well. more snark.

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