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Wednesday, February 14, 2007


since i can't stop thinking about keith anyways, i might as well blog as much as i can about my visit to des moines in Oct 05', my last time with keith.

monday morning i get up early and my mom and i go to the downtown train station. never been there. had to get the paper from the box. my those trains are tall. all aboard!
get a nice seat on the hiawatha to chicago. oh, i get to go across the trestle? bridge that swings back and forth over the river(i had drawn the bridge many times when i was at art school-the MIAD i went to first is a building from 1910 or so, on water, and across the street is a parking lot by the river. the bridge just south) and all the old factories i get to see from a completely different view. and all the little stations between milw and chicago look so quaint. in chicago an hour wait for the west train. read paper.
and then i am off. oh. i am barefoot mainly, no big issue from anybody. hauling of luggage minimal.
the trip while light was nice. lots of amish. views wonderfully stimulating. i only eat a package of sesmarks savory thins. sesame crackers. no liquids. i am not gonna use that bathroom but once dammit.they satisfied me pretty well.
problem was after dark. i mistakenly took a book my uncle had given me and i thought i would read it. women who walk (run?) with wolves. i started it and OH MY GOD! it's psychobble jungian clap trap!!!the chapters sart with poorly written/told fairy tails. i sort of read them. god it was aweful. i am so pissed. i go downstairs as it is getting close. i go through paper again. train stuff i had picked up in Milw. and finally osceola! which is south of desmoines. no train to des moines.(by the way, keith suggested flying, but the prices were insane and i wanted to ride train). only about 3 or so get off with me from my carriage. KEITH. i get a hug. FEED ME.it's about 8pm. and i am smiling. tired but happy. and the asceola station is so neat. 1909 i think. gravel not so nice on barefeet but barable.
only thing in the area is an applebee's and a chilis. applebee's is our place eh? so applebees it is. keith didn't want to share fajitas, so i got honey chicken. ok, but not great and came with garlic mashed potatos. i told him not to eat them, but he ate too many! then we drove to his house. ooh, it's mod. ok, i don't really like the main feature the garage, but who cares, i can't describe his house now as at this point i am tired. but i shall say all the walls are a med grey. almost the grey of the board we used in photography class. i like that.i get my own bathroom. no guest room, i can have the couch or his bed. i go for bed. beeeg bed. get to his house about 10 or so. i think i get to meet skippy. he likes me. i scratch his but and he makes licking moves. hmm. i give keith a building block i have been saving from an estate sale. it has a K and a R. i brought a MYST 3000 tape, but no VCR. bummer.
i don't know if it was monday night or tues that we start the movies.i think it was mon. he has a 'green' room in the basement. sort of walled off, painted green and he has mixed green fabrics on the ceiling. very cool. and his can collection is very cool. he collected them as a kid from the shores of lake superior and wherelse he had been. i see some WI beers. i like it. and a line of old old duck decoys. his uncle's. and then i pick out some movies i think i need to see. soylent green, manchurian candidate and lolita, the old one. back upstairs. i do notice his house is neat as a pin and very well decorated. i like it a lot. some things don't seem him. like the curtains. get ready for bed and then we watched soylent green.
what is soylent red and yellow made of?
i'll stop here.

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