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Friday, November 03, 2006


the spammers hit it anyways, so i don't care.
last 15 minutes of the estate sale turned into 45/1 hour. BAG SALE! and oh my oh my. little house in WAWAtosa. south of the centurian plan. if viewed from above, the streets are planned like a centurian's helmet. cute house at the end of a 'dead eand'. T street? 30's? brick. i filled TWO bags of stuff. plus a 2 squares wall hanging shelf. i did ask about the former occupants. HE was a architech of schools. had lots of foriegn language books. spanish, danish,i can't remember what else. LOTS of books. which were free like the vinyl albums.i didn't bother looking at albums. i did take a book about alger hiss and a book BY alger hiss. and one about Madame Curie. AND a 20's one of 250 special book ELEGY. fancy.oh, and an old sci-fi paperback. and yes, i did take a rock, but but but it had a 60's painted owl on it. i took a phot album and i figured out which one is him and his wife.
lots of 40's/50's stuff. and a very old almost waterless snow globe. hmm, i wonder if the snow used to be white. kinda brownish now.
AND 2 AFRICAN objects. ok, the 'vase' is pretty touristy, but the wood sculpture ain't bad. of course there's usually a what'sit. i think i figured it out. oud boat reflectors. had to drill holes in your boast and screw it on. at least i THINK that's what they are. the house was kinda boring. a few interesting things. but hidden.
pansypoo will have most on ebay. oy, the objects are forming mountains.

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