Saturday, November 11, 2006
APOLOGETICS-3 pages of theological blegh
APOLSTOLIC-2 !/2 pages about early christian fathers and writers
APPERLY, CHARLES JAMES-1777-1843 sportsman and sporting riter. wrote under the name NIMROD.
APPARITIONS- yes, a discussion about angels, ghosts and stuff.
AQUARIUM- discussion about how they have become possible. so trendy.
AQUADUCTS- long long entry on them. most intersting is they point out that the only reason greeks are thought less of is instead of massive aboe grond aquaducts, the greeks followed nature and built underground pipes and had a system as involed as the romans. this probably explains why the greekswere able to sulpt figures that could stand, unlike roman sculpture.
also read about the Croton, NY aquaduct.
AQUITANIA- lots of history! Augustus, visogoths,and saracens. OH MY! hugh capet pops up. i know i hae heard that name. and henry II.
APOLOGETICS-3 pages of theological blegh
APOLSTOLIC-2 !/2 pages about early christian fathers and writers
APPERLY, CHARLES JAMES-1777-1843 sportsman and sporting riter. wrote under the name NIMROD.
APPARITIONS- yes, a discussion about angels, ghosts and stuff.
AQUARIUM- discussion about how they have become possible. so trendy.
AQUADUCTS- long long entry on them. most intersting is they point out that the only reason greeks are thought less of is instead of massive aboe grond aquaducts, the greeks followed nature and built underground pipes and had a system as involed as the romans. this probably explains why the greekswere able to sulpt figures that could stand, unlike roman sculpture.
also read about the Croton, NY aquaduct.
AQUITANIA- lots of history! Augustus, visogoths,and saracens. OH MY! hugh capet pops up. i know i hae heard that name. and henry II.