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Friday, November 24, 2006


i'm gonna do this in lumps. i can bear this part. in 2000, before georgie and 9/11 and hell, in june, my cousin and i sped to Clinton, IA to do an art show, sarah neeeeeds sleep and she doesn't wake so well, got up around 4:30 and left as soon as possible. AAA gave me maps, offered and triptics. showed construction. fuck the I. i made a straight route on state hwys. said it would take 5 hours. i got there in about 3 1/2 or so. yeah baby. i was speeding and we saw lots of wildlife! pheasants!and deer. no traffic. it was like my own little lemanz. oh, and i was driving my beloved 93' delta 88. yeah, i could fit it all in that car.
i had my cat watercolors at that show. yes. i will have farmer/HD post them as well. it was a beautiful day. right along the mississippi, but we were behind grass covered levee. we looked towards a bandshell and there were live acts all day. i actually found the program for that year in my grandma's hoard. i took it with me when i visited keith in 04'.
well, my cousin sarah goes off to see the pottery across the eisle and she is talkig to this very tall man. my instant thought was, boy he woulda been a perfect man for her. she's 6'1" by the way. i am 5'51/2". when i had time i went to look at his pots. oh, lovely and very affordable! but i had to go back.
later in the day, i stopped over again and i talked to the tall man. showed him my little brag book. or was that after he came by and we talked cats. like why do women like them. i said because they look deep into our eyes. and they are not hard work like dogs.
i really liked him from the 1st. nice man. he bought my sap green pansy print. i bought a vase from him and 2 tiles. or did we barter? i like barter. haven't done as much in the bush economy.
it was a very long show. set up at 9. ends at 6. oh, and train tracks right behind the port-o-potties. now that is ishy.

that was how i met keithie boy. sweet keithie boy. at this time he must have been married. sigh. he sold all the platters before i could buy one. he always sold very well.

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