Saturday, August 19, 2006
the last etching i have pulled out. my only drypoint. didn't much care for drypoint, which was direct scraching into a copper plate. of course my whiskers. he's $10 if anybody wants him. 10' x 8 1/4'.
click imgae for larger view
the last etching i have pulled out. my only drypoint. didn't much care for drypoint, which was direct scraching into a copper plate. of course my whiskers. he's $10 if anybody wants him. 10' x 8 1/4'.
click imgae for larger view
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That's a big etching. Did I ever mention that Raleigh, being the "City of Oaks" has a giant copper acorn that's dropped on New Year's Eve like the ball in NYC?
there's very little etching there. just the cat. the dark corners i didn't wipe the ink off the plate for that. so almost a mono too. heh. now if i could take a good pic of the 'end of the world according to archibald mcliesh. now THAT one has etching!
and of course they have a big acorn. is it green? or like new copper? can't beat a good patina.
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and of course they have a big acorn. is it green? or like new copper? can't beat a good patina.
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