Wednesday, August 02, 2006
i haven't done enough ranting lately and i put this rant in a email to my aunt. sh said a fcking jet skier hit 3 loons and killed a baby loon. so here it is.
i SWEAR amerikans are just plain RUDE. we are becomming uncivilized and inconsiderate. parents are not teaching the next generation well, but there will always be people who don't care and sadly there are zoom zoom people. jet skies should be banned on inland lakes. god i hate them and sadly not deadly enough like snow mobiles.
back to rant.
ameriKans, EMPHASIS K, are just horrid. i declare i am NOT ameriKKKan! still not sure what i am. (citizen of earth?)
damned white trash culture which leads to a stOOpid white trash preznit we can have a fucking beer with even if he can't cauise he's a dry drunk.
perdon my french, but it's FuxNews and 'reeallity' teevee and god we must be amused at all times and god forbid somebody make us THINK.
and we are #1???? #1 assholes.
woe when the WW2 generation is gone, cause if all we have left is the spoiled babyboomers and their more spoiled brats, we are in trouble.
a roman quote i found said the generation now always thinks the previous gen was better and the new one worse, so it's a vicious circle and humans don't evolve, we just improve the ways to entertain and kill.
i haven't done enough ranting lately and i put this rant in a email to my aunt. sh said a fcking jet skier hit 3 loons and killed a baby loon. so here it is.
i SWEAR amerikans are just plain RUDE. we are becomming uncivilized and inconsiderate. parents are not teaching the next generation well, but there will always be people who don't care and sadly there are zoom zoom people. jet skies should be banned on inland lakes. god i hate them and sadly not deadly enough like snow mobiles.
back to rant.
ameriKans, EMPHASIS K, are just horrid. i declare i am NOT ameriKKKan! still not sure what i am. (citizen of earth?)
damned white trash culture which leads to a stOOpid white trash preznit we can have a fucking beer with even if he can't cauise he's a dry drunk.
perdon my french, but it's FuxNews and 'reeallity' teevee and god we must be amused at all times and god forbid somebody make us THINK.
and we are #1???? #1 assholes.
woe when the WW2 generation is gone, cause if all we have left is the spoiled babyboomers and their more spoiled brats, we are in trouble.
a roman quote i found said the generation now always thinks the previous gen was better and the new one worse, so it's a vicious circle and humans don't evolve, we just improve the ways to entertain and kill.