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Sunday, April 09, 2006

hey brenda. so far i have yet to encounter a tailess squirrel. had one with some bald spots. so far the chippies have only had short tails, never tailess.
did i mention the mouses swarming too? coming from all directions. no rat yet.

no more migrants yet. sometimes i want to shoot the english sparrows, since they are ILLEGAL aliens. should have a hunting seasn on them, but gosh darnit, they fly too good. hunter would prefer to hunt mourning dovetards. but we still have plenty of house finches. and the cardinal pair. since i am throwing seed on the ground more than jus on the steps, maybe get more migrants, ground feeders it seems. i moved the feeder to the pussywillow. not as entertaining for the cats, but easier to bird watch. not that i am any good at identifying them.

squirrel with no tail: actually i should clarify that. He does have a stub left. Dunno if hes a mutant squirrel or something got the rest of his tail. Lots of chippies running around too... and the little mouses (the baby hoppers) scooped one up in my living room yesterday. Plus the bears come out this time of year too - they'll attack the bird feeders - but so far this year no sign of em yet. Last couple of years they were on a regular tear.

shoot the english sparrows, since they are ILLEGAL aliens

well now lets be fair. they were brought here against their will in the mid 1800's and released in Central Park (as i recall)- the original 8 pairs... and took of from there.

What the hell, my grandfather came here from Italy just prior to WW1. Fifty plus years after the sparrows. I don't think he'd appreciate being shot at at this point.


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