Tuesday, December 21, 2004
well, the banks ended. the moon and shi[p bank did much better and i am going for more baby! 2nd chance? sure. now if ebay would behanve i would try for more on the other one. i mean, is $60 enough for grandma's hoarding?
but wow anyways. and $81 for the moon and ship bank.
but i promise not to do it again unless it goes over $50.
i hope i can do 2nd chance for the john glenn bank as it is going to texass.
yeah yeah, georgie is from connecticutt, but dammit, the bastard WAS molded in texas.
oh, that reminds me. kevin phillips book.
on Johnson's vietnam war(in the pages before phillips talks about texas hitory and all that alamo bullshit and them holding off the mexicans and all. johnson did not just escalate, he texified it-applying a coat of good-ole-boy rhetoric that whetted the loathing on campuses from new england to the great lakes and west to the pacific.
hmm, texifiying. sounds faamiliar don't it.
but wow anyways. and $81 for the moon and ship bank.
but i promise not to do it again unless it goes over $50.
i hope i can do 2nd chance for the john glenn bank as it is going to texass.
yeah yeah, georgie is from connecticutt, but dammit, the bastard WAS molded in texas.
oh, that reminds me. kevin phillips book.
on Johnson's vietnam war(in the pages before phillips talks about texas hitory and all that alamo bullshit and them holding off the mexicans and all. johnson did not just escalate, he texified it-applying a coat of good-ole-boy rhetoric that whetted the loathing on campuses from new england to the great lakes and west to the pacific.
hmm, texifiying. sounds faamiliar don't it.