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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

to kirill,they had a pic in the paper of people waiting to vote early and i have been reading that there has been quite a lot of early voting.
and it looks like my 'spidey sense' was right. looks like wisconsin WILL be blue and not just from the cold.

and i saw many waving kerry signs at intersections and i did encounter a move-on person from Illinois. canvasing bay view.
well,after voting around noon. not a bigline, but someone was registering, on my way to bay view i stopped by 2 guys waving kerry signs and offered them cookies(coconut sugar cookies-must blog the recipe) and 1 guy gave me a kerry pin.
at the frame shop the move-on person came in and asked about some addresses. the houses no longer exist. fucking church tore them down and damned if i see a parking lot. and one was a real nice victorian. so she could cross of those addresses.

on the way to pick up bushie mother, i stopped by some more kerry wavers, and while there the light to the freeway turned red and a school bus(middle school black kids) put the window down and started chanting kerry and the guy gave them some signs. and i heard lots of honking.
and when my aunt voted after work, longer lines. 12,000+ had voted in our precinct. higher than 2000.

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