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Thursday, September 02, 2004

while flipping channels after the excellent TDS and futurama, but but but i have to watch, it's the exxon valdez parody episode!i happened to hit the chevy chase-dan akroyd spies like us and had to watch the last 1/2 hour. it pointed out the foolishness of the coldwar, the idiocy of 'star wars' missle defence. and i think the mentality we now with the PNAC. like the general who felt the need to destroy to save america, the same hubris took us into iWaq, unprepared, expecting unbounded joys of us liberating them, but unlike france, who did ask for help, the iraqqis didn't ask for US to remove sadaam. and now we are paying for it. our soldier are paying for it. the only ones NOT paying for it is georgie and his masters.

hmm, i wonder if this is why that movie was taken of the shelf. dang, i missed bob hope, but did catch him in the credits.'
by the way, my maternal grandpa always reminded me of bob hope. nobody else saw it in the family. i swear they are BLIND i say. look at his NOSE! if i could p[ost a pic you WOULD agree.

now, we had manchuian candidate. are thjey saving being there for october?

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