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Thursday, July 21, 2011



EUBŒA(pronounced ewia)- largest island after crete in the Ægean sea blah blah mythology blah. 3 pgs.

EUCALYPTUS- tree mostly ingigenous to australia + tasmania, there called 'gum trees' or 'stringy-bark trees'. fast growing + great height-480 ft. 150 taller than the 'wellingtonia'(sequoia). blah blah.

EUCHARIST- bible-sacrement. NO WANT! 650-654

EUCRE- game of cards. american. corruption of the word ecarte. played 1st in louisiana/settlers. played w/ 32 cards. the 2,3,4,5,6 not used(like sheepshead-also big in WI). 5 cards to player. deafer turns 1st card for trump. trump suit knave top card right bower, same color left, lower bower. details on ply. WTF? very confusing.

EUCLID- little known of early life. also called megarensis. during ptolemy 423-285 bc. younger than plato, but older than eratosthenes276-196 bc + archimedes 2q87-212 bc. MATH! NO WANTR. geometry. NOES!!!!

EUCLID of MENARC- greek philosopher, founder of the Megarian school. b later 1/2 of the 5th c b.c.. devoted disciple of socrates. megarians forbidden in athens. he would visit at night, dressed as a woman + privileged to be there for socrates death. after he withdrew w/ other disciples to megara. the fundamental principle of euclid's philosophy was a combo of eleatic concept of being-the Onee + All + the socratic conception of thew good, which is the same as god, as reason + as wisdom. evil denied the main object of the megarinof the eleatic,, was to prove the concept of division, number, becoming motion, + possibly to be self-contradictory and flse, w/ plato, euclid taught that sense has cognizance of the changeable + unreal, only, while thought penetrates to unchangeable being, to the good. the megarin school proded itself an its dialectic, euclid differed greatly from socrates, whom he repudiated the principle of analytical reasoning as unsound(gut? georgee?) his favorite method of attacking an opponent was by the reductio ad absurdum, favored by his followers whose arguments degenerated into trivial sophisms, which laid them open to attack w/ their own weapon + which earned them the contemptuous name of the 'wranglers'. his chief follower, eubilides, who taught demosthenes, who wrote against aristotle + invented several trifling, but ingenious paradoxes(stephen wright), of which the most famous in the sorites.

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